why convert to orthodox christianity

Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean in Greek. So Christianity would not have been completely alien to the Rus, and even Vladimir's grandmother, Olga, would become enamored with Christianity. Clearly this stability is found in no other church. It is why I think a number of people have a list of groups they have been in here. We think the fundamental Christian schism occurred when Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg church, October 31, 1517. Poland, 1 million The sacraments of the Church have helped fill countless young people's lives with meaning in ways that are difficult to find elsewhere. Those friends benefit, no doubt, from this opportunity to practice patience and long-suffering. Debate is more plentiful than research, but also indefinite. In the East the local parish priest could administer the sacrament of confirmation; in the West only the bishop could. Speaking out against a government that is massively exterminating believers, would only lead to greater persecution. Then bear your cross,, Please, include documents that can be downloaded or printed. Why would a protestant convert to Eastern Orthodoxy? Interesting comments. If you have a specific question about Orthodox Christianity or the Orthodox Church in America, And yet, not all of these journeys have worked out. "The Orthodox Church of Christ never lost the 'unity of faith and the communion of the Holy Spirit' and does not accept the theory of the restoration of the unity of those "who believe in Christ," because it believes that the unity of those who believe in Christ already exists in the unity of all of Her baptized children, between themselves and A wedding set o, Wedding Icon of Christ the Pantocrator (in Oklad /, A Handmade Bookcover For The Gospel. There is an organic quality here, and the thing itself is inexpressibly alive. There was plenty of ceremony and beauty, but without the mainline churches affection for keeping up-to-date. As former Campus Crusade staff member Gillquist put it, why have so many "Bible-believing, blood-bought, Gospel-preaching, Christ-centered, lifelong evangelical Protestants come to embrace this Orthodox faith so enthusiastically?" Its not something you can figure out by studying the Church Fathers. Is the church made up of those who have been "regenerated" by infant baptism in an Orthodox church institution, or by those who have experienced new birth and been justified by grace through faith? For any convert, it's a spiritual, intense, and private process,. Schisms had already occurred in the Christian church, and others would occur later, but the Great Schism was the first of such major consequence. All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. Instead, Orthodoxy believes that the church stands above the Scriptures, which is why, as noted, Orthodox believers agree to "accept and understand Holy Scripture in accordance with the interpretation that was and is held by the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church of the East, our Mother." For church membership? Through the centuries, theological, geopolitical, cultural, and linguistic factors have combined to differentiate the Orthodox ethos from Western patterns of Christianity. Conversion is not only a matter of the intellect, but also of the heart. In this Orthodox view, Scripture stands within rather than above the church, and to distinguish its authority from that of the church is a mistake of method. Christ is thus "the Offerer and the Offered, the Acceptor and the Distributed," all in such a way that nothing is added to his once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. This conception lessens the validity and value of the Holy Scriptures as the primary source of Christian dogma." But dont do it for all the wrong reasons. When Martin Luther burned the books of Catholic canon law at Wittenberg's Elster Gate on December 10, 1520, he symbolized an important Protestant distinctive. In fact, it promises a Cross and joining with Christ in both suffering and humiliation. If our only reason for converting is more somber, reverent, and beautiful worship, the newness of this experience soon wanes. Now, the question stands: If one is convinced that Orthodox Christianity possess the fullness of truth and is God . Orthodox spiritual life gives central prominence to the sacraments. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Rather, Orthodoxy affirms a single source of revelation, holy tradition, of which Scripture is the preeminent among several forms. Recently I worshiped at an Orthodox church in Palo Alto on this celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Failing to remember (or be taught) this, we are scandalized and even lose our faith in the Church, not distinguishing between the divine and human natures, or confusing them. But the little guy is not going through a phase. In 1993 I was chrismated and joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, but only lately has it dawned on me that I must have strained friendships over the years, due to my vocal enthusiasm for my adopted church. His response: "I don't know.". Others charge complicity with the state, both past and present. And I would try hard, no doubt to the point of rudeness, to convince them this was not so. The first, most obvious explanation is that some people simply are obnoxious to start with. Orthodox Christians were more inclined to appeal to the ecumenical councils than to a single bishop to settle theological matters. Sign up to receive a regular email newsletter from Fr. Instead, an adolescent has to figure out and establish his adult persona in the face of affection. But every church must have its distinctiveness, or wed all be in the same church. By joining Orthodoxy one inherits a theological package that includes central elements that have traditionally troubled many Protestant evangelicals and omits doctrines many evangelicals consider nonnegotiable essentials of vital Christianity. On the Path of Love: From Islam to Christianity, Madagascar: Church Opens Huge Complex with Church, Schools, Orphanage, Old Folks Home, Australia: Orthodoxy Fastest Growing Church amidst General Christian Decline. It doesnt matter how long they have served, or how extensive their education. She is conscious of being the true Church founded by Christ. An evangelical explores the ancient and alien world of the Eastern church. My husband and I were just Chrismated into the church on Christmas day. 1. To the extent, however, one could intellectualize the reasons for converting, he or she would probably summarize them along these lines: In our ever-changing world, in the constant re-design of services and re-evaluation of beliefs, Orthodoxy stands as a mountain of granite, unshakable by fads and movements and political correctness. Preeminent among the sacraments are baptism and the Eucharist. In the 950s, Olga, the grandmother of Vladimir, was . But the human warts of where they are at and continuing searching within causes them to look elsewhere. Now, I dont share all of this in order to dissuade anyone from becoming a catechumen, but rather to encourage those who are on such a journeyor who have strayed away from one that began on the wrong foot. For good and ill, it is a classic "cultural religion," and comprehending Orthodoxy is an indispensable key to understanding those countries, cultures, and people. YouTube | In the history and theology of Orthodoxy it is startling to observe the nearly complete absence of any mention of the doctrine of justification by faith. She stands firm on her dogmatic and moral teachings. The West used unleavened bread, the East did not. There are no doubt some ways that he is the same person he will always be, and there are ways Orthodoxy and every other church has significant points in common, not least that we love the same Lord. These arguments wont convert anyone. Rome accused the "Greek heretics" of trying to "humiliate and crush the holy catholic and apostolic church." Excellent comment Kosmas, I totally concur. While the Church is certainly Divine in one respect, She is also comprised of human beingshuman beings that can, and do, err. For employment at a seminary? Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. She is conscious of being the true Church founded by Christ. Can you explain why some former clergy (from non-orthodox backgrounds) can enter without formal orthodox seminary education, while other former clergy (again, from non-orthodox backgrounds) are kept away even after the bishop (he who has the control and power) makes a statement that none may come to the clergy with our formal orthodox seminary? This absorbed my attention so much that I was apt to expound my current level of comprehension to anyone who stood still in my vicinity. The Orthodox Church is the ancient Church that Christ and the Apostles established. Who can explain why one has fallen in love with a given person? In fact, much of what is basic to Christianity: the nature, sources, and interpretation of God's revelation to us, the meaning of the church and its sacraments, the doctrines of sin and salvation, and even how one enters the kingdom of God. (To be fair, we should note that a large number of Orthodox have become evangelical Protestants as well.). And these prayers are jam-packed. The stability that the Orthodox Church provides for the seeker consists in the assurance of the truth she possesses, her other-worldly and mysterious character, the beauty of her liturgical celebrations and her crucified lifethey all attest to what she is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear: the unique, beloved Bride of Christ. "More than a . He senses that its something much more profound than that, as he is turning into a different person, the adult he is destined to be. In some places in the world, Orthodoxy is the primary Christian game in town (as in Russia and Serbia), and it is inextricably wedded to the local ethnic culture. Your email address will not be published. Home / Shortly after the beginning of our own catechumenate as a family, we saw friendsand their familiesbegin journeys towards the East. My ideas havent changed, and Im always glad for a good discussion, but maybe Im past the need to belabor them. The unchangeableness of dogma as well as the purity of rite [are] entrusted to the care not of one hierarchy but of all the people of the church." Is it wrong for Western missionaries to seek to convert the Orthodox in lands like Russia, Romania, or Greece? I can remember, after Id been Orthodox a few years, developing an increasing sense of tension or frustration. Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean in Greek. I can't be the only one who's observed a friend converting to Orthodox Christianity and noticed them instantly, literally overnight, losing their sense of . Click for reprint information. The first, most obvious explanation is that some people simply are obnoxious to start with. Nicholas Kim. While evangelicals might be eager to argue there is no biblical warrant for icons, for the Orthodox it is enough that icons have always been a part of church tradition. 5:12). I sincerely wish to know everyone's reasons for converting to Orthodoxy. Despite its historical estrangement from Rome, from a Protestant theological perspective Orthodoxy is similar to Catholicism at several points. St. Theophan The Recluse On Spiritual Practice. The essence of it was to evangelize younger aristocrats, future leaders of the land. In time, you will be welcomed sacramentally into the Church and continue your ongoing path to the Kingdom of God. Those who were clergy in a former denomination have no guarantees they will become clergy in the Orthodox Church. Not to be outdone, the Orthodox could respond in kind. Two theological controversies drove the final wedge between Catholic and Orthodox Christians: papal supremacy and the so-called filioque controversy. Are Orthodox Christians "Bible believing?". Second, in biblical interpretation the Reformers placed the Scriptures above the church. The beauty and majesty of her liturgical services celebrating the majesty and mystery of God continue to be a major attraction to many seekers of a religious experience that transcends the mundane reality and elevates the spirit to the divine realm. Conversion may be unnecessary if you're open to a Reform wedding: Reform Judaism permits interfaith marriages, though roughly half of all Reform rabbis still abjure officiating at them. The so-called Photian Schism brought this matter to a head. (Of course, for every person insisting that there were no differences, there was another person asking me to explain the differences. Discussion online about converts to Orthodoxy in America includes papers and blogging by writers in venues such as Public Orthodoxy of the Fordham Orthodox Christian Studies Center, the allied Orthodox Theological Society of America, and various blogs and social media. The Eucharist, according to the Divine Liturgy of Saint Chrysostom (the normal liturgy for Sundays and weekdays), is "for the purification of the soul, for the remission of sins, for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, [and] for the Kingdom of Heaven.". All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. As a young convert to Orthodox Christianity myself, I can testify that confession and Communion have filled my life meaning and have directed me when I have felt lost. In the security of the Orthodox Church one finds peace, reassurance. Kind of like large scale serial monogamous people. That there are too many people joining the Church with a silly belief that they rebelling against the modern world, and hoping to instate absolute monarchy. But if you are still intrigued and drawn to the Orthodox Church, considering all of these disclaimers, then do so with faith, reverence, and a healthy fear of God. Linguistic factors posed other, very practical problems. After his marriage Vladimir I officially changed the state religion to Orthodox Christianity and destroyed pagan temples and icons. Tom Hanks Legion Media The famous Hollywood actor converted to Orthodox Christianity as an adult. I kept finding myself in conversations with nice people who wanted to assure me that this very thing I was so excited about in Orthodoxy is something they have in their church as well. However, because I've never been really exposed to . In his homily, Father Vladimir explained the history and theology of icons, adding that the heresy of iconoclasm was alive and well: "Just look around us at all the Protestants. In contrast, Orthodoxy offers a view of theological authority that is internal and pneumatic rather than external and dogmatic. For Eastern Christians, this was yet another Roman encroachment upon their autonomy. Are you sure you heard the Meaning of Christmas? Step Two: Repentance There is no salvation without repentance. Why have so many Evangelical ministers embraced the Orthodox faith? Site Map | Rather, "theosis" (literally, "deification"), or the progressive transformation of people into full likeness to God, in soul and body, takes center stage. But the "little guy" is not going through a phase. Before long, in Reformation churches the sermon had replaced the Eucharist as the defining moment of the liturgy. I felt like Marco Polo. And such a journey can only be spoken of from experience. Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. I cant be the only one to have done this. Everyone associates Orthodox worship with sensory richness, but its also rich in theological content. Put another way, we must invoke the spirit of irenic disagreement in the formula: "In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity." What they objected to was the elevation of tradition to the status of Scripture. While this exclusivism is not unique to Orthodoxy, with this self-understanding it is easy to see why the Orthodox Church in countries such as Russia is extremely unhappy about Western, Protestant missionary incursions.